Friday, March 20, 2015

Big Sky Country

We recently got back from a 12 day road trip starting in Spokane, Washington and working our way from the northern part of Montana to the southwest and then back again to Washington. 

The whole point of the trip was to get the chance to spend time with my brother and his family, and two of our very good friends from Sacramento who both ended up in Montana. 

We logged nearly 1000 miles in the car, went through three states, slept in five different places and had two flights each way just to get to and from our starting point. 

This is the second time we've done this trip, the first was about a year and a half ago, and just like the first time it was a ton of fun. It didn't hurt that we love spending time with all three of the people we visited, something that due to distance we don't get to do nearly often enough. 

We even found some snow for the kids to play in.  

It is also obvious why they call Montana "Big Sky Country". Its seems a bit crazy to call the sky bigger in any one place, but really, it seems bigger. It is as if the sky there never ends.

Now we are back home and enjoying the very spring-like weather we have been having. 

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