Monday, August 13, 2012

Fernie, British Columbia

Last month we took a trip with my family up to Fernie, British Columbia. It was beyond beautiful and a place I would love to go visit again. Here are a few photos from the trip.

 Audrey is trying to make "moose ears". It was a challenge for her the whole trip. These are actually some of her better ones, usually she would just put her pointer fingers on her head and yell, "moose ears!" Unfortunately with all the "moose ears" hype we didn't actually see a moose, although a few other people in the family did. 

If you're interested my brother posted more, and even better, photos from the trip. You can see them here. While you're there take a minute and look around, he has some amazing photographs.


  1. She was a good moose! Thanks for the shout out and yes it is amazing how some people were able to see a moose and others didn't.

  2. Your first photo is amazing, it looks like a painting! What a beautiful place.
