Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Saying Thanks

Growing up in our family a big deal was always made about sending thank you cards in a timely manner. Whether we received something for Christmas, or our birthdays, or any other reason in between we were reminded, daily, to write a thank you note. To be honest, it got to be a little annoying (sorry Mom!). Now, all these years later, I'm glad my mom nagged us as much as she did. Writing a thank you note when I receive something is just second nature at this point.

Now that I'm the mom I guess it is my turn to pass this nicety onto my kid. So Audrey and I sat down over the weekend to "write" her thank you notes for all her birthday gifts. Obviously she wasn't going to do much of the writing, but I wanted her to take some part in the process.

She was in charge of painting the front of each card and I would write a little note. As I wrote I asked her what she wanted to say to each family and she dutifully responded with "thank you", which when she says it sounds much more like "kank you".