Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Packed Away

I'm not a superstitious person by nature, but motherhood has made me be a little more careful. Odds are the second I say some matter of fact statement, "she went to sleep so easily tonight" or "this is her favorite meal," she is awake and crying or spitting out mouthfuls of food and refusing to eat. I know I'm not actually causing whatever reaction follows, but nonetheless it still makes me a little fearful to say/type/think the next four words...

Audrey is potty trained!

Woohoo! I'm so glad to be done with the diaper stage. I never minded the work that went along with cloth diapering while I was doing it, but now that I'm not doing it I realize how much extra work it really was and am happy to have it behind me.

In order to make it official I stripped (washed them a million times to get rid of any built up residue) the FuzziBunz one last time and let them line dry in the hot sun for several days to bleach any stains out.

And then I packed those suckers away for another kid somewhere down the road. Let me just say how much I LOVE Space Bags... one of the greatest inventions ever.

Although this isn't a review post, if you want my opinion on FuzziBunz one-size cloth diapers they get a definite double-thumbs-up from me. After just shy of two years of every single day use (22.5 months to be exact) they still look near new and show no signs of falling apart anytime soon.


  1. Yay Audrey! That is so great.

    1. Thanks Kira. We are all pretty excited about it around here and Audrey loves her "big girl panties"!

  2. There is just nothing sweeter than diapers on the clothes line, I take pics of our all the time.

    1. I completely agree Cody, I love the look of the diapers on the line. I think because they are so colorful!
