Friday, April 13, 2012

Photo Friday: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (and Busses too!)

We flew up to Portland last weekend to celebrate Easter with my family. Audrey LOVED all of the different modes of transportation that flying involved; the car to the airport, the bus to the terminal, the train to the gate, and of course the plane. She was literally running, fake-jumping (her feet never leave the ground), and shouting "Hooray, big airplane" as we were boarding. Luckily her excitement never wore off and she traveled like a champ. Unfortunately however, we were also able to confirm (after the bus ride back to the car on the way home) that she definitely gets carsick. Anyone else have a carsick toddler? Any advice?

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the next Portland trip is a little longer! I would love to see you, even for a couple of minutes :)
