Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall is Here!

I know it has technically been Fall for a few weeks now, but it really hadn't felt like it until just this past week. I love this time of year and am soaking up all it has to offer.

Of course I love the weather and the changing of the leaves, but I'm also enjoying some of my favorite smaller fall traditions.

Like pulling my slippers out from their summer hibernation.
I know, I know, they are some seriously ugly slippers. However, they are super comfy and there isn't anything better than slipping cold feet into soft, warm slippers.

Also, wearing this sweatshirt way more often than should ever be allowed.
I've had it since my freshman year in college (Go Beavs!!) and love it. In fact I don't feel like I can wear it out into public anymore because both sleeves are now riddled with holes, but it is still my go-to sweatshirt around the house. (p.s. Can we just talk for a minute about how cute Audrey is? We were enjoying a lazy morning on the couch, some Toy Story might have been involved.) 

And of course Fall is nothing without apple cider. 
I know I say that I like to do everything homemade, but this stuff, straight from the packet, without any homemade loved add to it, just a little bit of hot water, well, it is absolutely delicious! So this time, I'm just not going to mess with a good thing.

What are your favorite smaller traditions about the season?  


  1. Audrey looks so grown up! I don't know if it's because I haven't seen her in a while or if it's because I'm now comparing the size of all children to tiny little Pearl.

  2. I have that same sweatshirt and got it my freshman year too and have also worn holes in the sleeves and still love it! That's great you guys are moving back to Oregon!
