Thursday, September 8, 2011

Channeling My Inner Laura

Laura Ingalls Wilder that is. You know, from Little House on The Prairie. Oh, how I LOVED those books. I loved the detailed accounts of daily life on the Prairie, or in the Big Woods, or at Plum Creek or anywhere else the Ingalls family happened to be. Undoubtedly after reading one of the books I always longed to be a pioneer girl, living just like Laura. Everything about their lives was so fascinating to me. And thinking about it, a lot of my ideas about the role of a housewife and the value of homemade came from these books.

Today I am going to try to remember everything the Little House books taught me because yesterday I came home from the store with this.

That's right, I'm canning. A very Laura, or probably more accurately, a very Ma thing to do. I've never done it before and well, I really don't want to mess it up. Not only would I feel like I'm wasting perfectly good vegetables, but the whole botulism thing sounds pretty serious.

Hopefully my Little House schooling has prepared me well. I'll let you know how it all turns out.


  1. I have an irrational fear of botulism. I always check my cans to make sure they are not "bulging" just in case. My fear of botulism is probably on par with my fear of spontaneous human combustion.

    Anyway, I'm sure you will not have a problem with that.

  2. I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books too! Your canned beans on the counter looked beautiful! Good luck with the tomatoes and peaches we brought. I'm sure you will do wonders with them!

    Hope you and Audrey had fun this weekend. We missed you...and thank you for the half and half! I appreciated your thoughtfulness!
