Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My New Toy

Bryce surprised me with the best Mother's Day gift ever (a few days early because he is working all day on Sunday and the kiddo and I will be out of town). A beautiful, shiny, new Silhouette SD.

Seriously, I am beyond excited. I am having so much fun playing around with it. This thing is amazing and can cut such intricate designs. The list of projects I will use it for just keeps growing.

p.s. Have you voted yet? Go here and vote now if you haven't!! 


  1. So fun, Jeremy's sister Carolyn has one as well. She makes really intricate birthday cards now! My friend Karen has the one for cakes. It cuts fondant into shapes! She has made some really amazing cakes with it.

    Also, are you not allowed to post your name on that contest? I had to read through all of them to figure out which was yours! I voted :)

  2. I voted! I'm impressed with your new toy...I'm looking forward to seeing how you will use it with your new creations!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
    love, Bonnie
