Monday, January 31, 2011

Valentine's Cards

Tomorrow is February first, which means that Valentine's Day isn't too far off. Now, I for one have never been a big Valentine's day person. I don't dress in head to toe pink or think that the hubs should buy me some cheesy heart shaped box of chocolates or feel the need to bring me flowers because of the date on the calendar. Most years we don't do anything differently than we would do the other 364 days a year. And I like it that way. The "romantic" Valentine's day is just not for me.

But I do think giving Valentine's cards is fun. And I'm not talking about one of the thousands of cookie cutter cards that are lining the store shelves. In my opinion, if the cards aren't homemade don't even bother. So on Friday, I had some friends over for a Valentine's card making extravaganza. We had a blast and made some pretty cute cards to send out this year.

{Dear fam,
Hi. How are you? Good, I hope. If you could look away for the next few pictures, or maybe just squint your eyes a bit so everything looks blurry, or at least act surprised when you open your mail next week that would be great. Thanks. 
Love, Emily}

Fun, right? Now go get some paper and make a card. I can almost guarantee you that whoever receives it will appreciate it more than something stamped with "Hallmark".

I'm linking to some of these fun blog parties.


  1. I don't know where i should leave this, but i like the new look of the blog. Really makes it pop!

  2. I like the new look too! Can't wait to get my card. love, mom

  3. Emily,
    your blog is is lovely . . . I've had so much fun clicking on your tutorials and looking at the pictures of your lovely family! I look forward to trying a few of your tutorials out in the future! Those V-day cards are adorable, too!

    Please feel free to check out my blog; it's still quite new in the making, but I upload a tutorial every Tuesday for my readers and have other bits of inspired life published on there as well!

    Take care,
