Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

It is hard to believe 2010 has come and gone. It was a truly life changing year for our little family. And I may be finding it even harder to believe it is already 2011. The whole computer-crashing-new-millennium-celebration seems like it was just happening. 

Driving on the freeway the other day I saw a billboard advertisement for a radio station that said it played the "oldies" which, according to them, included the "90's, 2k's, and today." Boy, did that make me feel unreasonably old.

I haven't made a resolution for the year, I usually don't. But I am excited to see what this year has in store. 

Happy New Year! 

{On a completely unrelated note. I ordered these today. Bryce laughed when I showed him what I was ordering, but I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for the mailman to come in 5 to 7 business days!}


  1. Troy said the same thing about cute, you guys are thinking alike.

    What did you order? I have no idea what that is.

  2. Happy New Year! 90s music being considered "oldies" is weird to me too!

  3. I don't feel so bad if Erica doesn't know what it is either...
    Happy 2011 to you too!! love, mom

  4. Those would be Comic Book Boards... you know, the things that keep your comic books from getting bent. However, I won't be using them for comic books... I'm getting organized.

  5. I wasn't sure what they were either! We actually have them in a closet in the boy's old bedroom. Gabe was a comic collector and we still have some!
