Friday, October 1, 2010

I Made Pants!

Since fall is approaching (yes, I know that technically it is already fall, but considering we have seen multiple days of triple digit weather this week, I am still waiting for the real fall to show up) I thought Audrey could use a few more warmer items of clothing. I started with this jumper and tights set and I am currently working on a few long sleeved shirts, and earlier this week I made her a pair of pants. I have never made pants. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I figured if I could make tights, pants couldn't be too different... right?

So...  I traced, I cut, I sewed, I ironed, I made a few adjustments, I sewed and ironed some more, I hemmed and added elastic and in the end I had pants. Some pretty decent looking pants.

Unfortunately, my cute little cloth diapered baby's bottom was much too big for the not-at-all-stretchy corduroy I chose to use and the pants didn't fit. Bummed, but not deterred, I knew I could somehow make it work. So I ripped out the back seam and added an extra panel to make the bottom bigger. It worked! Now little miss has some cute corduroy pants to sport once fall decides to make an appearance.


  1. I love the polka-dots! I am really impressed with your sewing prowess!
