Monday, September 20, 2010

Flannel Jumper for Miss A

Has anyone else heard about the Kids Clothes Week Challenge over at Elsie Marley? I hadn't until today, but I feel like I should join considering I have been sewing new clothes for Audrey during her naps for the last two days. I have never sewn kid's clothes before, but it so much fun.

I have been wanting to sew a jumper for quite some time now, but couldn't find just the right pattern so I decided to make my own and am really happy with the results. It was surprisingly easy, from start to finish I was able to get it done during her morning nap. I originally bought some cute corduroy fabric to use, but didn't want to waste it if my pattern didn't work. I am glad I used this piece of flannel that I had sitting around, it is super cute and was very forgiving to sew with. The jumper isn't perfect, but most of my sewing isn't and I don't think she will ever care.

{I told you I had a cute model lined up!}
I used this tutorial from Made By Rae for the tights. It's a great tutorial and was really easy. Although I will need to add a few inches to the length next time, I'm not sure if it is the bulk added by the cloth diapers or just long legs, but they are a little short for her.


  1. Sooooo CUTE!! Excellant Job! love, mom

  2. Wow Emily, it looks great! And the tights are so cute, I would have never thought about trying to make those on my own! I'm very impressed! And, your model is adorable :)

  3. I love this jumper!! Very cute model too!
