Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living Room: After

Honestly, I love how our living room has turned out. If you remember the before it was not much to look at. We added a splash of color on one wall (Sicilian Sky from Wal-Mart), some shelves with new pictures (Target shelves and some amazing photographs by Erica Cunningham Photography), and traded in our coffee and end tables for something a little more streamlined (chest from Target, side table was a $5 find at a yard sale).

Maybe it is just me, but even after I finish a project like this I can always think of a few things I would want to do differently. However considering a) we are renters b) we don't know how our landlord feels about painting the walls so I figure one was more acceptable than four and c) that chair is so comfortable that I don't care if it isn't "stylish" I am thrilled with the room.

As a side note I should point out that Audrey wasn't placed their for the pictures. Audrey was playing with her dad when I went upstairs to get the camera. When I came down she was sitting on the couch by herself and her dad was walking out to the garage. She was too cute not to let her be part of the "after" pictures.


  1. 1. I can't get over the fact that we both put up the same random picture within days of each other.
    2. Maybe the ugly chair will grow on me.
    3. I think you should hide Audrey in all of the pictures. Kind of like a Where's Waldo thing...
    4. I love the after. Obviously.


  2. It looks great! It's amazing what even just one wall of color can do for a room. And we are in a similar furniture situation, but ours isn't even comfortable. It's just so expensive to get a new set.
